Color Astrology

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Love Astrology and Venus

Love Astrology is becoming very popular as more and more people realize the potential of this ancient, timeless wisdom to shed light on life's great mysteries. Relationships sure are that, a mystery. Free daily horoscopes in the paper do little to shed meaningful light on relationships however; in fact they are misleading and cause many to dismiss love astrology as ineffective or just plain superstitious. Yet for those who know better, horoscope compatibility is an effective way to understand the complexity of relationships.

Much insight into relationships can be learned even from just a cursory glance through the lens of astrology. For instance, astrologically, the house of relationships is the furthest thing from you in the Astrology chart. You, the subject, are read from the first house, the rising sign, also known as the ascendant. Your partner is read from the 7th house or the descendant. This is the furthest point from you in the chart. Similarly, relationships are perhaps the hardest thing we do in life. They are an attempt to integrate that which feels the most alien to us.

Universal wisdom knows that the only way we would face such difficulty or attempt such a Herculean task is if our desires were also the strongest; this is also the case. The seventh house, a house of desires. We want something from the partner, to satisfy our desires with them. The sexual bond that attaches us in relationships is the necessary glue that keeps us going back again and again to face this most un integrated part of ourselves. All of our guts are on the floor and the stakes are high in relationships, otherwise we simply would not do it.

In many ways, the process is quite silly. We care so much about what a certain person thinks just because we think they are good-looking or because of some physical "chemistry switch" that goes off. The person could be dumb as a bag of hammers, but if they are good-looking, or we are attracted to them, suddenly we want them to like us or find us attractive also. Another person could be the most intelligent, insightful person in the world-but if there is no spark, who cares what they think, right?

The planet of attraction, beauty and desires is Venus. Through the miracle of Venus our worldly, trivial association with fleeting forms of beauty and desire becomes transformed into selfless love, devotion to love itself. This love is one more concerned with giving, not taking. This deeper love is our true nature and the reason we suffer when our love fails. Falling short of this ideal is how we fail ourselves.

If we are to return love to its dignified place we need to honor the desires of another equal to our own and thus, compromise with them, also the realm of Venus. In order to get our needs met we also have to allow another to get their needs met also. We are willing to give up what we want now if we want to get more of what we want later. Venus in Astrology chart shows how a person's relationships unfold. Only Venus can transform our desire to experience sensual pleasure and gratification into the desire to please and help another person.

Venus is the planet that teaches us how to live on Earth properly, because she's the one who teaches us how to play fairly. The capacity to yield and remain loving in spite of our disappointment and frustrated desires is the miracle of relationships. When we are able to do this we feel whole. This is why few things are more rewarding in life than growing in relationships and dealing with those difficulties gracefully. We feel like we are making profound spiritual progress when we are able to succeed in relationships.

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is a certified Vedic astrologer and author of "The Ascendant". He offers a free email course "Stellar Relationships" at Love Astrology which illuminates Vedic relationship astrology. He also offers a Free Daily Horoscope Podcast

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ten vital bodies in Astrology

From the first time that humans looked toward the sky and began to chart the movement of the sun, moon and the planets, men have been assigning meaning to what they saw. It wasn't enough to simply record where the sun moved, when an eclipse happened or when a planet was brightest, complex and varying stories and myths were given to each celestial event to help explain things that were happening in the observer's own life.

If crops failed, it was blamed on the stars. If war broke out, it was blamed on the stars. Let's take a look at ten of the heavenly bodies that astrologers assigned meaning to and what each body meant.

? The Sun - Not only was the sun the easiest body to see in the sky, it provided light, warmth and life. Most cultures saw the sun as a life giver, not vengeful or angry, but almost judgementless. A benign and powerful giver of life and wellness.

? The Moon - The moon, to many early astrologists, represented the unconscious mind and stood for emotion and desire. It often had a negative connotation, simply because it was thought the moon help power over the weak to indulge in their inner most desires. The old superstition of a full moon altering people's behavior or even turning some into werewolves stems from the idea of the moon holding a mysterious power over one's emotional side. The Moon is also associated with Monday, short for MoonDay.

? Mercury - This planet is named after the Roman messenger god of the same name and thus the planet Mercury is thought to be the body that rules things like communication, rationality and logic, as well as transport. It is thought to bring out people's curious nature, as well as being vivacious and inconsistent. Mercury is thought to rule over Wednesday. In astrology practiced in China, Mercury is ruled over by the element of water. In India, Mercury stands for intelligence.

? Venus - Venus is one of the brightest objects in the sky after the sun and the moon. It is named after the Roman god of love and the planet is thought to control love in astrology. The planet is also thought to affect things like beauty, harmony and it plays an important role in people wanting or not wanting to get along. Throughout time and culture, Venus has represented peace, love and human potential. Venus is the planet for Friday and in Chinese astrology it is associated with metal.

? Mars - Maybe no other planet is better known than Mars. The planet's place as bringer or war, aggression and terror is well known in most every culture. It is also associated with confidence and impulsiveness. Mars is usually associated with Tuesday and it is a fire element in Chinese astrology. Mars role as a bringer of war is apparent throughout human literature highlighted by H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds where invaders from Mars come to Earth to wipe out human civilization.

? Jupiter - The biggest planet in the solar system is associated with happiness and joy. Jupiter rules over Thursday and is also associated with higher education, religion and growth. Many also believe Jupiter plays a role in protection, since it does protect the Earth from many wayward comets and asteroids by using it's gravitational pull to absorb many hits that would otherwise strike the Earth.

? Saturn - The final planet in the original seven planets that ruled astrology for years, Saturn is seen as cold and lifeless and is associated with ideas such as structure and sadness. In India, the planet is thought to bring bad luck. Saturn is tied in with the day Saturday and it is an Earth element in China.

? Uranus - While some astrologers don't even acknowledge Uranus because it was not one of the original seven bodies, to the rest of the astronomers who have accepted it, Uranus stands for ideas and genius. It is also associated with controversial or extreme politics, as well as modern inventions. The association of Uranus with these things stems from the time of its discovery being so closely associated with the French Revolution and the American war for independence.

? Neptune - The interpretations of Neptune are all over the place. It can stand for spirituality and religion, just like Uranus, but it is also associated with drug use and altered mental states. The discovery of Neptune happened around the same time that anesthetics were discovered, hence the association with altered mental states.

? Pluto - While Pluto isn't a planet anymore, it is still given astrological significance. It is associated with renewal and also associated with great and terrible power and corruption because of the time of its discovery coincided with the height of power of Stalin.

Astrology is filled with colorful and interesting stories about how heavenly bodies influence us. It may seem strange at first, but there might just be more of a link between these objects in the sky and human behavior than you might think.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

7 Interesting facts About the History of Astrology

Ever since humans looked toward the sky for some kind of meaning to life and answers to the big questions, astrology has been a part of many people's lives. The fact that essentially every culture has, at different times, looked towards the stars for understanding speaks to the universal nature of astrology.

As it evolved from one end of the globe to the other, it took on a different significance and gravity. Some cultures used it to determine laws and punishments, others for love and spirituality. The growth of astrology is marked with peace, war, abundance and famine. Human history can be charted with the history of astrology. Here are a few interesting facts about the history of astrology.

? The origin of astrology is thought to begin with the ancient Babylonians two centuries before the birth of Christ. They took celestial events that were witnessed in the night sky and interpreted them to signify certain events. Major events like a passing comet, a meteor shower or an eclipse were given extreme importance and they often believed that significant actions were needed to calm the anger of the gods. Human sacrifice wasn't unheard of in some situations to deal with what the Babylonians thought were upset deities.

? The first areas of the world that astrology spread to were China, India and Greece. Each culture infused the basic Babylonian astrological belief structure with their own myths, legends and interpretations. In Greece, many of the characters from ancient Greek mythology were combined with the stars to give their astrology it's own local style. The same was true for India and China where local religion and superstition was combined with astrology to give it more meaning to the local population.

? Astrologers were some of the first scientists in medieval Europe. It was astrologers that made the first accurate maps of star movement as well as the orbit of the moon and many astronomical observations about the Earth, itself. Many scientists today look down upon astrology as being a pseudo-science, but without the tiereless work and immaculate record keeping of astrologers hundreds of years ago, the more respected science of astronomy would have been set back by centuries.

? Not only were some of the first scientists astrologers, some of the most respected scientific minds in human history were practicing astrologers. Historic names such as Kepler, Jung, Galileo, Copernicus and Brahe were all significant contributors to astrology during their time as scientists. Even with the marginalization of astrology that was ongoing even in the time that these famous figures were alive, they managed to practice and further the belief in astrology, along with their better known scientific practices.

? Astrology has had a significant impact on modern language. Many different words that are commonly used today have a root in astrological thinking of the past. For instance, influenza comes from the Latin for influence and was so named due to the belief that many sicknesses are caused by the influence of planets and heavenly bodies in the sky. The word disaster originates from the Latin for bad star. And maybe the best known word origin from astrology is lunatic, from the root luna, meaning moon.

? Astrology has had an impact on modern literature, as well. Many writers, including all time greats like Shakespeare and Chaucer used astrological and planetary explanations for their characters behavior. Such references have become a part of modern society. The idea that a full moon still influences people's behavior is just as common today as it was 500 years ago.

? Education and astrology have had an intertwined past. In Europe, during the medieval period, a university quality education was divided up into seven separate categories, one for each known planet. These disciplines became known as the liberal arts; a term still used today on many college campuses. These arts evolved into the modern sciences, but their roots are firmly planted in the field of astrology.

Astrology has existed in one form or another in almost every culture on earth since the beginning of time. When humans had nothing else, they had the night sky, crystalline, pulsing and always changing. It was inevitable that cultures would begin to assign patters and meaning to the night sky since so much of life depended on rain, sun and the crops that they helped to grow.

Just like any other belief system, there have been dark times when blood flowed and anarchy reigned due to an interpretation from above, but the true heart of astrology is still based on the desire for human understanding that is influenced by heavenly bodies. While many modern scientists belittle astrology and its beliefs, there will always be a group that understands the significance of the planets and stars.

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Love is in the Stars - Relationship Astrology part 1

Relationship astrology is nothing new, yet it is experiencing a renaissance these days as more and more people rediscover the ancient, holistic wisdom that astrology offers. Thousands of years ago, every culture used astrology. The human beings who lived on Earth at the time developed subtle and meaningful spiritual technologies; astrology was among them. Just as humans today develop technologies that bring about more convenience and entertainment, ancient cultures everywhere developed subtle and magical systems awakening. Astrology, as the science of universal energy and unfolding time, was chief among them.

Even the most cursory look at a basic Astrology book will show the importance of masculine and feminine energy in life. There are two female and two male elements in the astrology chart. Each element is repeated three times through different modalities. (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable)

The four elements in the Astrology chart from the densest to finest are: Earth and Water (female) -- Fire and Air (male) -- LET'S LOOK DEEPER.

Feminine Energy in the Astrology Chart

Earth shows our physical body as well as all things that are practical, useful, tangible and material. Our life unfolds through our physical body and its needs are the most urgent when they arise. The element of Earth will remain at rest unless acted upon by another force or object. Earth provides the tangible structure for which our life unfolds, but it may also be the stagnant quality that prevents our life from moving forward. Earth rules the sense of smell.

Water shows the flow of our senses into our environment and the deep emotional connections formed. Water is related to our feelings. Water and Earth together creates growth, in the form of plants. Plants provide food and sustenance for all creatures as well as oxygen for us to breathe. Water gives a connection to love and feelings, which gives rise to a caring heart and a compassionate life. Water rests upon Earth and nourishes it, just as the senses feed, and love nourishes, our body. Yet water may make us cling to fantasies, memories or emotions. Water rules the sense of taste.

Female Energy wants to stabilize, sensitize and nourish us, just like Earth and water. Thus women are generally the most interested in feelings, emotions, stability, and being grounded in their body and senses. When feeling a sense of lack in these areas, a woman's actions and thought's will tend to be inconsistent and hard to understand.

These feminine qualities of Earth and water are fundamental to any actions that come later. For both men and women, if we are disconnected from our deeper feeling nature , our actions (as shown by the male signs) will lack sensitivity and meaning.

* Generally speaking, when women feel good about themselves, they will do good things.

Masculine Energy in the Astrology Chart

Fire shows our passions, drives, motivations and digestion of all sorts. As water feeds the body, fire digests what it is fed. Earth and water creates plants; fire is hidden in the plants. Not only is food digested, all information and sensory stimulation must be assimilated and digested. This process of digestion creates heat, warmth and light that illuminates our path; or this fire may burn us or others or create smoke that obscures our path. Fire rules the sense of sight.

Air shows our thoughts, philosophies and motion of all sorts. Fire disperses into the air, into the atmosphere. The food we eat, after its digested leads to movement of all sorts, both in the body and the mind. Air is related to the breath, the vitality. The motion of air can have a worthy goal and bring great understanding or it can be scattered and devoid of meaning by disturbing our peace of mind and emotions (Think of air creating waves on water). Air rules the sense of touch.

Male energy wants to assert, comprehend and protect, just like fire and Air signs. Men are generally the most comfortable in situations where they can think independently and do something for themselves or others. When they are unable to think or act in a situation, their feelings will be inconsistent, unpredictable and hard to understand.

These masculine qualities of life are necessary if we are to grow in truthful identity, strength and understanding. Lacking a clear purpose and consistent powerful actions, our life will stagnate, lack direction and we will not grow toward a higher purpose.

* In general, when men do good things, they feel good about themselves.

In the Vedic sciences there are five elements; the fifth element is space. Space (ether) is related to pure consciousness, the witnessing self, which is not identified with the previous four elements. Space is the container of the other elements; everything exists in space. This is why we are able to perceive our thoughts and actions, watch them move and witness them. If there were no space between our thoughts or no space operating behind them, from what vantage point would we be able to observe them?

Space refers to our freedom and flexibility. We are not just confined to qualities of life on Earth. We have the free will to decide any course of action and observe our mind/body events.

Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is a certified Vedic astrologer and author of "The Ascendant". He offers a free email course "Stellar Relationships" at Horoscope Love Astrology which illuminates Vedic relationship astrology. He also offers a Daily Horoscope Podcast

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Chinese Astrology Forecast for United States in 2007

In 2007, the United States would encounter a series of major troubles that involve the conflict of interest among different political parties. The U.S. government would be in an inferior position in the beginning.

The Trigram that represents the luck of the U.S. in 2007 is Kun, this time with the third stroke changed from last year. Those familiar with I-Ching, or the Book of Changes, can tell the third stroke of a trigram represents danger. It implies internal struggle and conflicts which would surely happen to the U.S. On top of that, its trigram also shows the least compatible / desirable combination: a Kun trigram with hidden Shi and Bo trigrams. Shi represents warfare and confrontations. Bo means an erosion of territory or authority, leaving only the bare essentials.

As a democratic nation with an extensive territory, there are demonstrations in the various scales in the U.S. every day. It is a sign of human rights. Yet, a trigram representing its luck of the year seldom refers to things that happen habitually. In other words, the ?internal conflicts? as foretold by the trigram refers to something more substantial that civilized demonstration.

Here are the two key trends in the U.S. in 2007: 1. The conflicts between different groups of its people and the uneven distribution of resources have accumulated grievances.

Those problems finally escalate to the point where its people have to take a more violent approach.

2. The hidden enemies of the U.S. would turn the country upside down with shady manipulations.

Yet, no matter what happens, the Americans would live on as usual.

What is Chinese Astrology?

Chinese Astrology is one of the most ancient philosophies still in existence today. The Chinese Astrology uses the Chinese calendar, which was invented in the 27-22 century B.C. by Emperor Yellow or known as Yellow Lord (Huangdi).

In ancient China and up till today, Astrology has been used to predict what happens to countries, the outcome of wars; weather of the year; economic trends, fortune of people and much more.

One complete cycle of the zodiac takes 60 years, which composes the arrangement of a heavenly stem and an earthly branch. The year 2000 marks the 17th year in the 78th cycle.

The animals signs are commonly known because of the legend of the Jade emperor summon the 12 animals (Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig ) for a race. However, the configurations of the heavenly stems and earthly branches are much more important for astrology.

Credit to Elaine Fung, Chinese Astrology & Horoscope Specialist

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