The Myriad Charts in Astrology
When you read your prediction from an astrologer, you often encounter reference to various charts like Natal chart, Horoscope chart, Horary chart, Divisional charts, Navamsa chart, Transit chart, Progression charts, Moon chart, Varshaphal chart, Solar return chart, Compatibility charts, so on so forth. This may often be very confusing.
What is a chart:
The word chart is often loosely referred to a horoscope. Horoscope is the correct word. The Sanskrit for Horoscope is "Kundali". The birth chart or natal chart in Sanskrit is then called " Janma Kundali ". By Definition a horoscope depicts the position of all the planets in heaven for given date time and sun sign . This date and time is critical because planets are in constant motion and their positions are continuously changing. The horoscope indicates the position of each planet with respect to the 12 zodiac signs. Each Zodiac sign represents 30 degrees of movement for each planet and the 12 Zodiac signs represent 360 degrees movement of each planet. Each planet moves at different speeds and at varying speeds each day. We also do the Astrology sign compatibility so that you can know how compatible you are with your loved ones. Moon is the fastest moving planet, and it takes approximately two and half days to travel through each Zodiac sign.
Saturn is the slowest planet among Vedic astrology planets. It takes approximately 2 and half years to complete its movement through one zodiac sign. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are even slower than Saturn. Apart from the position of each planet, the other most important parameter of the chart is called Ascendant or "Lagna" in Sanskrit. This is referred to as a point in a particular zodiac sign represented by a longitude expressed in degree, minutes and second and it is computed based on the exact Latitude/Longitude of the place where the particular person is born.
Every place on the surface of the earth has a unique ascendant sign and ascendant degree among the 12 zodiac signs at any given date and time of birth. The Ascendant point signifies the exact eastern horizon at the exact date, time and place of birth of a person. This is the unique space and time signature of a person. The Ascendant sign in the chart is also known as the first house of the chart. Every other sign in the zodiac then becomes the other houses in the chart in the anticlockwise direction. If the Ascendant sign is Aries in a horoscope chart, then the next zodiac sign in the anticlockwise direction is Taurus. Taurus will be considered as 2nd house in the chart. Similarly each of the 12 zodiac signs will then represent 12 houses in the chart. So the natal horoscope chart signifies the individual planet positions in different zodiac signs and the ascendant and 12 houses in the chart based on the date, time and place of birth. This is the permanent chart of an individual, which does not change as the birth details do not change.
The other Charts:
The Horary Chart:
In Sanskrit this is also called the "Prashna Kundali" or the "Question Chart". Many people do not know their exact birth details or accurate birth details.
In such cases the astrologer then takes recourse to what is known as the question chart. The question chart is nothing but a similar chart as described above except in this case, the date and time and place, signifies the date and time and place when and from where the question is asked.
The planet positions and ascendant are all computed based on standard astronomical observations and calculations. As per Vedic astrology or Jyotish, the natal horoscope chart contains the basic signatures in a person's life, which is the basis of analysis for the astrologer and his/her astrology forecasts.
Similarly the question chart also contains the signatures, which often clearly indicates the success and failure of a particular question that the person asks. Of course, if the astrologer can analyze both the natal chart as well as question chart, then his astrology predictions are more accurate and reliable.
How does an astrologer analyze is not the topic for this article, which I may take up at some other time. As a simplistic overview, each zodiac sign has a planet as its ruler, which is fixed and same for all charts. Sun and Moon rule Leo and Cancer respectively. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius.
There can be more than one planet in a particular zodiac sign in the birth chart, which naturally depends on the date and time of birth.
Each house in the chart signifies different aspects of our life. Each planet has its best and worst sign, friendly sign and unfriendly sign in the chart, which is true for any chart. Similarly there are good houses and bad houses in the chart. For example ascendant or first house is good house, but 8 th house is a bad house for any chart.
How the planets are situated in the house and sign are the main principles on which a natal chart is analyzed or for that matter any chart is analyzed..
Satrajit Majumdar founded Cyber Astro (Pvt.) Ltd. in May 1997. He brings to the company 34 years of marketing experience, of which, the last 21 have been in IT marketing and international trade. The unique combination of his marketing and software development skills with his mathematical and astrological knowledge, make him ably suited to be a worthy leader of this company.
An engineering graduate with a post graduate diploma in Marketin
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