Color Astrology

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Astrology and Children

Childhood, is a period of development when we are still very open to inner changes; a very fertile time when everything is a surprise. The seed of life is in the beginning of its development. The inner side of a child, is like a garden, to be cared for and responds to whatever is put into it!

The Astrologer is like the gardener, carefully following the growth of the flowers as well as invasive weeds. Astrology is an instrument, a scientific tool, to measure the psychological state of children, its diagnosis is most accurate, in the individual's dynamics. Children are too young to understand and express logically their feelings and thoughts. Astrology applied to children is of a great help to the parents, because it lets them understand the inner patterns of their loved ones.

Throwing light on conflict is a big step to solving the problem, whether the problem is internal, or between individuals. The healing process, involving parent-child relationships, can then occur.

Having the astrological key, can give the parents the opportunity to help the child to work out difficulties in the energy patterns, by changing their own attitude towards the child, in a most positive way. Remember that in astrology, old habit patterns, especially those of an emotional colour, are the most difficult to deal with in adulthood. Astrology, gently helps the parent to be in touch with the future adult. We say: "the adult in becoming."

Problems, if taken and faced early in life are still small, but in adulthood, they might become serious difficulties. Astrology helps the individual to learn about who he, or she is, without judgement, simply by being objective. The most crucial period in the psychological development for a child, runs from twelve months to the fourth year.

It is significant to point out that this is the period when the parents are in charge. When you draw an astrological chart of a child, you have the psychological and spiritual blue print of the developing adult. You can see the temperament, how he perceives his parents, the way he perceives his relationship with his parents, and the relationship with the rest of the family. The parents then, can be in touch with the type of atmosphere required, for the child to be at ease, and all the dynamics of interaction that go with it. Children have the same needs as adults; the chart of the child is indeed the casting of the future adult.

The psychological dynamics of the child are not different from the one of an adult. They are just more flexible. The soul of a child might be old or young just like the one of an adult. His spiritual development takes place, and develops in the years to come. The more we understand this process the more we can make life joyful, and rewarding for our children; eventually in the process, we, if we are lucky, grow with them.

Every child has a chart totally different from the others; and it is up to the astrologer, to unveil the hidden parts and to bring them to the surface: this is part of the healing process.

Astrology is one of the beautiful tools to help the individual. Talking about elements for instance, we can find a child who shows a lot of emphasis on fire: This is an indication of an explosive temperament. Suppressing this type of energy can cause frustration and lack of creativity. If we go to the opposite extreme, we can find the child with too much emphasis on water. In this case, more sensitivity must be expressed from the parents because the child needs more self trust if he is to become more outgoing.

In each chart, the problems are clear and within the same chart the solutions are shown! Parents will be helped by the information, and often they recognize themselves in the pattern.

Everybody has the right to have a chart cast (drawn). Please take the most exact time of birth, of your loved one. It can be of great help for the person during both childhood, and through into adulthood.

Leni Sibilio

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