Color Astrology

Monday, April 14, 2008

How Astrology Works For You?

Whether you believe in astrology or not, if there is any astrology column in the news paper/magazine you purchase, you will not skip it. Whatever may be your comments on the merits of the predictions- if it is favorable you are not going to curse the astrologer. If it is unfavorable, you just shrug your shoulders and say one prediction for millions! Does it make any sense?

Your horoscope, in short, pertains to the planetary positions at the time of your birth. You came into this world, without any options; nobody consulted you about your time of arrival. That which is not controlled by you, must be due to divine grace. How that divine grace will shape the years to come- your destiny? This, in short is the scope of astrology.

The building blocks of life are: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Horoscope is an astrological chart. There is one chart for one person. The chart indicates the position of Sun, Moon and the planets at the time of your birth. No two horoscopes could be alike just as no leaves of a tree are alike. This is the wonder that is Nature.

One can understand why the common man is most concerned about the scope of his horoscope. He is always interested to know due to his never-ending economic difficulties, whether he is getting any support from the planets; whether the planets are permanently at war with him. But most surprisingly, the one who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth seeks the advice of celebrity astrologers quite often.

Some have permanent astrologer consultants on their unofficial role, to guide them mostly here and to some extent hereafter. There are many who plan everything, only with astrological guidance and considerations. Their influence on their clients or devotees is absolute. Walter Mercado is one such astrologer. Who's who of Latin America and USA, consult him on all important matters, and function according to his directions!

What is so special about Walter Mercado? He has the theory knowledge about astrology, he is a master psychologist. Positivism and spirituality are his characteristics. When a person is spiritually evolved, many beyond the mind level powers are conferred on him automatically. What he says turns out to be truth. To us, they look like individuals practicing miracles, but miracles just happen around him. They have 'conquered' Nature and all powers of the Nature are subservient to them.

Walter Mercado's psychic gift was the gift of birth. He was born in the year 1933. In the year 1960, he came to India to do a specialized study in astrology and the art of elaborating horoscopes. He was enlightened by a spiritual master and about that meeting Walter Mercado writes, "an asexual being of light told me that it was my mission to use my powers to help guide others through this very difficult time in which we live."

His TV shows on daily predictions, continue to charm millions of Americans!

Many Astrology articles are available at Astrology &

Many Astrology articles are available at for Astrology.

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