Color Astrology

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sun in Libra Astrology - An Astrologer Interprets the Ups and Downs For Peace Loving Libras

As an astrologer I have had the opportunity to hear the life stories of many Libras and have found that when you have your Sun in Libra your identity will be tied up into looking good, being fair, and having the world be fair and peaceful around you. This is not to say that you will have it, just that it will be a theme in your life, you will be wired to notice when circumstances around you are not fair, are not peaceful and you will be prodded, willing or not, to find balance when there is none. The astrology behind the Libra identity reveals so much more.

Many times these concerns are not thought about as they are on a subconscious level, living below the surface of day to day existence. A woman who has her sun in Libra became aware that beauty was important in some people's eyes early in life. She will either embrace that looking good will be helpful, or be frustrated at the unfairness that pretty people seem to be able to get things easier or are admired more than the ordinary. It is not that other people are not aware of this; it is a problem and concern in our society it is that Libra individuals are attuned to it in a deeper way.

Libra's have been emotionally taught at a young age that someone was prettier, or that they were attractive, or that attractive people will go farther and have an easier time in life. This is of course not universally true, it may be true for some but for others they will have another believe system that they work on, such as the "dumb blonde" belief. Or that looks don't last forever, personality and charm will get you what you want". Or "there may be people who are attractive and have lots of people that like them but being an intellectual genius is where it is at and those people have nothing over me"

One of the challenges of being a Libra will be to recognize your way of operating in the world, and whether or not you are making compromises to who you really are or what you really want for the sake of not wanting others not to like you. Many times as a child the Libra person was told to "be nice" don't make a fuss and was manipulated by someone else with a strong personality that molded the Libra child into making someone else happy, doing what they wanted, so as not to upset the adult. Therefore the adult Libra can find themselves saying I want to do what you want, not out of not having an opinion, but from a long ago programming that taught them when they asserted themselves anger was present or love was removed.

The Libra Sun is here to share the joy that kindness and peace bring. Yet the lesson for the Libra is to be able to stand up for what they want even if it creates discord and ultimately make sure that you create your world where there is harmony and peace around you. It is time to have around you on day to day basis people who value fairness and harmony. Disengage from individuals or circumstances where you feel manipulated or controlled through emotional blackmail. Read more on astrology or ask your astrologer for other insights into your chart.

This is just the beginning of understanding the quest and path for Libra, yet understanding these hidden messages you were taught will free you to be happy and healthy.

To learn astrology go to Donna Page MS is an astrologer that promotes the ability to create the life you want faster and with ease by becoming in tune with the influence of the planets. She offers free lessons and reports on how the planets can impact you personally and globally.

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